Supabase Storage

Before you start, please make sure you read through the Documentation on Storage, especially for Access Control.


  • Accept: Files to accept, e.g. image/*

  • Image: If you'd like to include an icon or similar as a design element

  • Placeholder: To show for the user when the uploader has no value.

  • Subtext: This goes below the placeholder as additional information

  • Subtext color: Color value

  • Subtext size: Number, in px

  • Progress Bar color: Color Value


  • File name (text): Name of the File to upload

  • Error (text): Error message

  • File Type (text): Type of the File to upload

  • File Size (number): Size of the File to upload (in bytes)


Upload File

Upload file to Supabase, a Key and Bucket name is required. If the Key already exist it'll throw an error.

Download File

Download a File. A Key and Bucket name is required. The action will automatically download the file to your machine.

Delete File

Delete a file from Supabase, a Key and Bucket name is required.

Update File

Update a File. This action is useful if you'd like to override a file, and don't want to upload a new file. For example when a user updated their profile picture.

Last updated